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    About Me

    Tracy Renee Byrne

    I work here at J&G.

    I am an accomplished voice-over actor having performed in radio-format shows, radio commercials, and online web series.

    I have been with Gypsy Stage Company since day one, having been the sweet and loving Mrs. Clause in the Christmas Musical, Dancer the Footloose Reindeer and the follow-up musical, Chasing Santa; the wacky and feisty Maxine Wormly in the hilarious comedy, Mother Truckers; Maureen McCleary-Donnelly in The Irish Wake of Paddy O’Toole, and the delightfully naughty Renee Tracy (no relation lol) in Love and Mergere. I may forever go down in the annals of history as, “the girl under the table” thanks to Love and Merger.

    I had the great honor of fulfilling the role of Stage Manager in Nora Swan: Murder Most Personal; Women are from Venus; Men are from Uranus; Edgar Allan Pro & the Flip Side of Comedy with Grover Silcox; and soon, Dicken's Ghosts, the One's you never knew with Grover Silcox.  When asked about that job, I had to say, “it is an amazing amount of work, but incredibly fulfilling in so many ways, including for my control freak tendencies.”

    More recently I've become Assistant Director for Gypsy Stage Company, starting with Women are from Venus, Men are from Uranus in Sept. of 2023.

    My performing skills include acting, singing, and a good sense of comedic timing. I am a graphic artist and writer with 30 years of experience in my field and 10 years of experience in “live-action script writing” also known as text-based role-play of historical and fictional characters for online game mediums.  I have been building websites since the late 1990's and corporate communications and marketing directors for fortune 500 companies in my past.



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    Tracy Byrne


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